Tuesday, February 20, 2024

What's The Point?

I really had to come to grips with the idea of what is the point of this blog as last night I started reading the book Deconverted by Seth Andrews. I got about a third of the way through it and came to realize that his story isn't that much different than mine. There are some big differences I suppose. Truth is, there isn't anything I'm going to say that hasn't already been said by someone else. My only hope is that my approach and unique perspectives might reach someone different that these other great authors haven't already. My fundamentalist background, activity within the Christian metal community and being locked in a “wonderful” Christian marriage gives me a little bit different angle, along with the fact that I was pagan for a couple years before I wrote off all gods. And that really is the point, most of the authors that I'm reading went through different deconversion processes than I seem to have. Mine just became the logical conclusion as I went back in time to study all the stories of God to realize that there was a time before those stories existed and if that was true and there was no evidence of a god, then one clearly does not exist. Mine is a logical atheism I suppose. Nevertheless, the fact that I allowed Christianity to hoodwink me for so much of my life does leave me quite enraged. That said, most of my post will end with a song of some variety and for today's I will leave you with a wonderful song by Nuclear Assault called Brainwashed. Enjoy.

Til next time,


Friday, February 16, 2024

To blog or not to blog, that is the question

    I have had various blogs in the past for a variety of reasons. I feel like know I just want to write about my life experience for any who care to read it. That said, what can you expect to read? It will be random musings on life after religion, music, art, etc. Nothing is out of bounds here. This will just serve as an outlet for some cathartic writing to take place. 

    Today's thought is about the beginning of time. Who was there? Who created what we see? My answer is there is no way to know, but it feels like if there was a divine creator that wanted us to know anything, it would have left us something. Instead, humans make up stories - from god to the flying spaghetti monster. In the end, we are left with the fact that all we really know is in the here and now and can understand it deeper as science allows.

    The take away here is to live each day governed by your own will and enjoy each breath you have. We only are on this ride known as life for a short time - make the most of it.

Til next time,


What's The Point?

I really had to come to grips with the idea of what is the point of this blog as last night I started reading the book Deconverted by Seth A...